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    Branding Logos è un volume superbamente illustrato che traccia alcuni dei designer e delle aziende di design più innovativi e originali del mondo mentre si dedicano al compito di creare loghi creativi originali e di successo. Dagli schizzi iniziali al prodotto finale e alle sue applicazioni, ogni designer o azienda ci accompagna attraverso l'intero processo creativo, fornendo ai lettori una visione preziosa del mondo della progettazione grafica professionale. Che i designer preferiscano utilizzare carta e matita, design digitale o artigianato tradizionale, hanno tutti una cosa in comune: il desiderio di creare un design davvero eccezionale.

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    Tasse escluse: 34,50 € Tasse incluse: 34,50 €


    Brazil è un documento fotografico su un paese straordinario per ambienti naturali e sociali. Ralph Gibson nato a Los Angeles nel 1939 vive a New York, ha insegnato fotografia, i suoi lavori sono stati esposti nelle gallerie più famose in giro per il mondo Tokio, Oxford, Valencia, Parigi, Buenos Aires, Bologna.

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    Tasse escluse: 50,00 € Tasse incluse: 50,00 €


    Want to look like a Mod? Pose like a Mod? Dance like a Mod? THIS IS THE BOOK YOU NEED! This is the NEW Mod look, the ageless Trans-European look that takes Mod back to the continent from where it first emerged in the Sixties. This is MOD in the Twenty-First Century. This unique collection of stunning photographs provides a sensitive portrayal of Britain's Mod community from the past decade and a unique insight into the diversity of the contemporary Mod scene. With an introduction by Paolo Hewitt and an interview with DJ Rob Bailey of the New Untouchables, these pictures capture the essence of being Mod.

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    Tasse escluse: 38,00 € Tasse incluse: 38,00 €


    Following the success of Style Book: Fashionable Inspirations , this new volume offers a fresh take on the iconic patterns and prints that are renewed and recycled year after year, from the runways to street wear. Fashion editor Elizabeth Walker draws on eclectic influences from around the world: embroidered kimonos from Japan, batiks from Indonesia, paisley from India and France, animal prints, bold pop-art geometrics in black and white, bright kangas from Kenya, Hawaiian print hibiscus, or bold splashes of color combining Schiaparelli pink with tangerine and turquoise. From Grace Jones in a zebra print jumpsuit to a flapper’s scalloped swimsuit, or from Marc Jacobs in a Mickey Mouse t-shirt to Nicolas Cage in a snakeskin jacket, you can take your cue to liven up the gray workday commute in a jewel-toned ikat print or a jaunty African tribal fabric. The striped mariner’s pullover that looked great on Picasso is still in style, and hound’s-tooth checkered trousers will turn heads and add bounce to your stride. The images selected here―featuring both celebrities and more proletariat fashionistas ― spotlight the striking prints and patterns that add panache to any look.

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    Prezzo di listino: 32,00 €

    Special Price Tasse escluse: 20,00 € Tasse incluse: 20,00 €


    Here is a guide for the rookie who is just taking the field in the wide world of baseball memorabilia. The authors offer both money-making and money-saving insight on collecting uniforms, equipment, autographs, Hartland statues, Ethan Allen All-Star Baseball, and much, much more. Learn the best strategies for visiting shows and even the Hall of Fame induction weekend in Cooperstown. The real charm of this book is that it ventures beyond the straight investment potential of baseball collectibles to address collecting for the pure fun of it. Between these covers are contributions from collectors of all kinds, who all share their love of the game not only through their diverse collections, but also with memories, anecdotes, and humor that would appeal to any baseball lover. Learn 10 reasons why baseball is the greatest game there is, and the 10 best and 10 worst baseball movies of all time. Test your knowledge with the challenging "Culminating Activity" the authors have prepared for you. With full-color photography, price information, and a useful source directory this book belongs in the library of every baseball fanatic.

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    Tasse escluse: 34,50 € Tasse incluse: 34,50 €


    Questo testo nomina 60 grandi sportivi - traguardi individuali, eventi, istituzioni - dalla storia colorata e spesso da record della vita sportiva nelle Isole britanniche. Un gran numero di celebrità e personalità dello sport di alto profilo hanno contribuito a saggi su una vasta gamma di argomenti - come Damon Hill sui record di velocità di Malcolm e Donald Campbell, Nick Hornby nella finale di Coppa d'Inghilterra, Will Carling on the Five Nations, Jonathan Ross nella lotta di Henry Cooper contro Cassius Clay, Nigella Lawson nei giorni degli sport scolastici, Mick Jagger sul campo da cricket di Lords, Des Lynam sulla vittoria della Coppa del Mondo del 1966 in Inghilterra e Hugh Laurie sulla gara di barche Oxford-Cambridge.

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    Tasse escluse: 38,00 € Tasse incluse: 38,00 €


    In a follow-up to one of David Stoecklein's most popular coffee-table books, he features the working cowgirls of the West in all their glory. Stoecklein's photographs capture the beauty of these women as well as their grit, whether they are roping, riding, or just relaxing. These cowgirls all have a true zest for life and it shows in these portraits. They work hard and they also know how to have a good time. Stoecklein has provided his readers with another glimpse into the rich lives of cowgirls across the West.

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    Prezzo di listino: 65,00 €

    Special Price Tasse escluse: 49,00 € Tasse incluse: 49,00 €


    Dames is portrait photography at its most incisive and fun. In Eric Boman's book, a 'Dame' is a woman of attitude and conviction, style and flair, leavened with steely determination. For Dames, Boman has photographed over 100 women, all of whom have made an enduring impression in their respective fields of fashion, society, arts, politics and entertainment. A text by Vanity Fair special correspondent Bob Colacello accompanies Eric Boman's glittering photographs.

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    Prezzo di listino: 49,50 €

    Special Price Tasse escluse: 29,00 € Tasse incluse: 29,00 €


    International interest in the sophisticated and aesthetic visualization of complex information made Data Flow a bestseller. Today, more and more graphic designers, advertising agencies, motion designers, and artists work in this area. New techniques and forms of expression are being developed. Consequently, the demand for information on this topic has grown enormously. Data Flow 2 expands the definition of contemporary information graphics. The book features new possibilities for diagrams, maps, and charts. It investigates the visual and intuitive presentation of processes, data, and information. Concrete examples of research and art projects as well as commercial work illuminate how techniques such as simplification, abstraction, metaphor, and dramatization function. The book also includes interviews with experts such as The New York Times s Steve Duenes, Infosthetics's Andrew Vande Moere, Visualcomplexity's Manuel Lima, ART+COM's Joachim Sauter, and passionate cartographer Menno-Jan Kraak as well as text features by Johannes Schardt about the challenges in creating effective information graphics and about the relationship between complexity, clarity, content, and innovation. Offering practical advice, background information, case studies, and inspiration, Data Flow 2 is a valuable reference for anyone working with or interested in information graphics.

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    Prezzo di listino: 68,00 €

    Special Price Tasse escluse: 49,00 € Tasse incluse: 49,00 €


    As the epitome of reckless devil-may-care cool, denim jeans have been embraced by people from practically all cultures and walks of life, and favoured for their sheer versatility and style."Delirious Denim" chronicles the garment's meteoric rise in popularity and its role in building iconic brands like Levi's and Wranglers, and celebrities from James Dean to Andy Warhol.While showcasing the creative and infinitely varied modifications of jeans to express the unique identity of the wearer, "Delirious Denim" offers insightful interviews with jeans collectors and afficionados to articulate their irresistible allure.Illustrated with full-colour photography throughout, "Delirious Denim" is a colourful tribute to jeans for designers and fashionistas everywhere.

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    Tasse escluse: 20,00 € Tasse incluse: 20,00 €


    Libro fotografico che racconta la vita di Maria Callas (nome d'arte di Anna Maria Cecilia Sophia Kalos) . Celebrità mediatica e artistica le valsero l'appellativo di Divina. Brevi descrizioni in lingua tedesca.

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    Prezzo di listino: 54,50 €

    Special Price Tasse escluse: 26,00 € Tasse incluse: 26,00 €


    Il massimalismo celebra l’opulenza e gli eccessi nella grafica e nel design. Dopo anni di dominio del minimalismo, si avverte un ritorno alla sensualità, attraverso un’esplosione di colori e di lusso, esibiti con eccesso. Oltre a decorazioni, pattern e ornamenti, questo libro ci illustra in che modo i designer contemporanei usino texture, colori vibranti, speciali stampe ed esclusive tecniche di finitura. Un’ampia gamma di possibilità per la grafica – dai poster di KesselsKramer, al restyling di Vogue Paris ad opera di M/M (Parigi), fino agli interni di Michael Gillette per Levi’s – Massimalismo esplora il mondo del design editoriale, i manifesti pubblicitari e i packaging, le identità aziendali, il design d’interni, e altro ancora. In quanto a decorazioni, sensualità lusso e fantasia, il massimalismo rappresenta un must per grafici e designer di tutti i settori.

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    Tasse escluse: 24,00 € Tasse incluse: 24,00 €


    The animal kingdom provides examples of all the essential principles of camouflage: the chameleon, whose colors change to merge with its setting; the zebra, whose vivid stripes disrupt its outline and make it more difficult for predators to sight from a distance; the stick insect that pretends to be what it's not.Creativity in the art of disguise was spurred in World War I by the threats of aerial reconnaissance and long-range enemy fire. Aircraft and ships were painted with lozenge and zigzag patterns to make them more difficult to target. Artists were involved in creating these patterns, and were influenced in turn by the extraordinary painted vessels, said to be like floating cubist paintings. In 1919 the Chelsea Arts Club in London, inspired by wartime camouflage patterns, staged the Dazzle Ball, the first known example of camouflage influencing popular culture. Since then, artists from Pablo Picasso to Andy Warhol to Bridget Riley have explored the themes and extremes of camouflage and optical illusion, while camouflage patterns in clothes and accessories have filtered from the street to high fashion and back again.Uniforms made from camouflage-printed textiles were first developed before World War II, and teams of artists, designers, and scientists worked together to create ever more sophisticated modes of camouflage and disguise. Today's high-tech research on textiles that are resistant to infrared and thermal detection shows a new direction in the future of camouflage. 300 illustrations, 250 in color.

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    Prezzo di listino: 50,00 €

    Special Price Tasse escluse: 39,00 € Tasse incluse: 39,00 €


    Mending Matters esplora il cucito su due livelli: in primo luogo, include più di 20 progetti pratici che mostrano le tendenze attuali nel rammendo visibile che sono spigolose, moderne e audaci, ma attingono alle cuciture tradizionali. Lo fa attraverso solo quattro semplici tecniche di rammendo: toppe esterne, toppe interne, punti lenti, rammendo e tessitura. Inoltre, il libro affronta il modo in cui il rammendo porta a una relazione più consapevole con la moda e il benessere generale. Nei saggi che accompagnano ogni capitolo informativo, Katrina Rodabaugh esplora il rammendo come metafora per apprezzare i nostri sé naturalmente imperfetti, ed esamina i modi in cui il rammendo ci insegna nuove abilità, come la fiducia in se stessi.

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    Tasse escluse: 27,00 € Tasse incluse: 27,00 €


    Uno sguardo retrospettivo ai design senza tempo della marca di moda giapponese Mina Perhonen, fondata nel 1995 da Akira Minagawa per realizzare "abiti speciali giornalieri". E quanto siano davvero speciali, anche poetici, i disegni: il libro, organizzato in 50 parole come Tempo, Ricamo, Immaginazione, Vento o Riflessione, rivela le passioni dei designer in una vasta gamma di foto, disegni, collage e immagini di ispirazione dinamici, a colori. Numerose immagini di tessuti e l'atelier / fabbrica in azione danno alla storia un fondamento nella vita reale. Anche se a volte è stato chiamato "la risposta giapponese a Marimekko", questo studio sconvolgente di stereotipi è fortemente individuale, con una combinazione di capricciosità e artigianalità che è semplicemente unica: pezzi come le esclusive borse a forma di "uccello" sono irresistibili. Il libro è solo in lingua giapponese, ma le immagini presenti raccontano davvero la storia.

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    Tasse escluse: 48,00 € Tasse incluse: 48,00 €

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